ArcRoyale's Corner 

283 posts 14 followers

Pedos Okay, Lolis Not?

The psychology of the average "Elite Leftist" as I call them is complex, yet at the same time simple to understand. It's a philosophy that serves under the motto "It's all about ME!", and will do anything to bend the world around them while at the same time making others feel bad for using real-world logic that's lasted for decades of human society. At the same time, the wave of courtesy doesn't follow to others, and they will attack others for crimes they themselves commit, absolving themselves of responsibility.
Due to the relationship between the Elite Leftist and their followers, whom I refer to with the name "Leftist Follower", it is very easy to draw parallels with Orwellian fiction, especially that of his classic 1984, with a media that will alter facts, but the public will go along with the story even as it changes. We have always been at war with Eurasia, after all. Or was that Eastasia? The answer is... probably neither, or at least not to the degree that this dystopia is at war with itself. Read More »

This has been going on for quite a bit, so I feel I should address it before it goes too far out of hand.

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This has been going on for quite a bit, so I feel I should address it before it goes too far out of hand.
These days, we have been seeing reboots of characters with minority casts. The most common of which is the All Female Reboot, where a cast dominated by males is replaced with one dominated by females. We saw this with Ghostbusters, the recent Ocean's 8, and soon Terminator will be joining this club.
This honestly feels to me like a gimmick, and I'm going to prove it to you. Imagine if the opposite situation happened, the All Male Reboot. Imagine if, say, The Powerpuff Girls announced they would be getting a reboot involving the three roles being replaced by three little boys. Imagine if a reboot of Sailor Moon had the Sailor Scouts replaced with a squad of High School boys.
The outcry would be massive. "How dare you take a feminist icon away from us!" "You're denying agency to women by replacing them with some guys!" Well... why is it okay to deny agency to men by replacing them with some nobody gal? The original Read More »

The Internet is a Police State

You may think that title sounds a bit clickbaity. But it's completely accurate. The internet is now a police state.
In the last few days, we've seen several large outlets for hosting content eradicated, while single large companies tighten their grip. In just this decade, internet celebrity Linkara lost several different platforms for his video hosting, including,, and many others he migrated to. Chuck Sonnenburg, aka SF Debris echoed these same issues.
That alone wouldn't be a problem... but there's a larger one. The major companies are biased and cowardly at the same time, and not just in the sense I deem it, but in the sense that they overcompensate for any problem by creating a police state. If there is a problem with copyrighted content being uploaded, including full episodes, all content is destroyed involving that content... including things like reviews and fanvids such as AMVs. Read More »

The Current Year is just the gift that keeps on giving, isn't it? Ladies and ...

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The Current Year is just the gift that keeps on giving, isn't it? Ladies and gentlemen, let me present to you another example of blatant sexism... against men.
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe is quite possibly one of the manliest-named shows ever, and its protagonist is one of the manliest ever. His name is "He" and "Man" put together in one. He has bulging muscles and the outfit to show them off. He's so confident in his manhood, his prince outfit is pink and he still looks like a hunk. He's so much of a man, he's been joked about as being gay, just because he is so completely defined by "manhood". He's like the anti-Barbie, and people have made joke about it, too!
Naturally, toy companies wanted girls to be part of the market, too, so the same company behind He-Man also developed Read More »

It's funny. I don't like talking about the new series of The Powerpuff Girls....

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It's funny. I don't like talking about the new series of The Powerpuff Girls. I feel like it should best be ignored and forgotten. But then it went and pushed my personal button. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a world where everyone says "No Girls Allowed!"
In case you've been living under a rock, and please tell me where I can find it so we can be roommates, the PPG reboot seems to attract controversy like a supermagnet. And what makes it all the worse is its seeming double standards despite it being a "feminist" story, when it doesn't even fall into the modern definition of feminism.
After all, Ms. Bellum was removed because the producers thought she didn't "mesh well with the image they were trying to create". This, combined with the flattening of Miss Keane's chest tells me that the producers didn't see Bellum for her brain, that which makes part of her name, how she runs Townsville basically on her own, how she's a positive role model for the Girls. They only saw her for her body, exactly the kind of sexism women face on a daily basis for being seen not for their skills, but their bodies. Or maybe they just didn't like seeing a woman be strong, since the primary focus is given to the masculine Powerpuff Girl, and plenty of time the strong superheroes need to be saved by a man. Read More »

This time, the only thing that's changed for our look into role reversals is the time the work was produced.

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This time, the only thing that's changed for our look into role reversals is the time the work was produced.
I'm going to lay it down on you; I can't stand Aggrestusko. I've tried twice to give the series as chance, but both times it's left me... infuriated, to say it lightly.
My main problem is in the portrayal of its main antagonist, Ton. Ton is a chauvinist, who demeans women all the time except to use as objects. Normally that wouldn't be the problem... except the series treats ALL men like this, all caricatures. The women? Mostly perfect.
And what's funny about this is that these same "evil men" viewpoints... were the POV of a VILLAIN just one decade ago. The Powerpuff Girls had a villain that proved feminism was not the same as misandry. Clad in female logos head to toe and obsessed with claiming Susan B. Anthony coins instead of Ben Franklin bills, this woman basically takes the viewpoints espoused by these men that women are awful, and turns it on its head. And keep in mind, Read More »

Welcome to the first installment of our new direction! I just couldn't help m...

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Welcome to the first installment of our new direction! I just couldn't help myself; this isn't gonna always be a point-and-laugh show, but... this is so egregious I can't help but point it out. And laugh at it!
So I recently found that a statue of a mysterious "Rebel Terminator" is being made. Which tickles me because... there already IS a Rebel Terminator! It's Ahnold! In the majority of the movies! Honestly, the idea of a Rogue Terminator was fascinating in T2, but now it just makes Skynet look bad that all their machines keep turning against them!
But hey, if this was just a genderswapped Ahnold, I'd be fine with it. But aside from this design being too 2018 for its own good, let's take a look at the writeup for this thing. First off, I referred to Ahnold as a "Rogue Terminator" because of things like Attack on Titan, where you have the "Rogue Titan," or recently Pacific Rim Uprising with its "Rogue Jager." So what makes this one specifically designed to be a "rebel" instead of "rogue?" It's all on her gender; she's rebelling not just against Skynet, but the eeeeevil partiarchy! And I say it's against the patriarchy because of calling Skynet "oppressive". And what is the Social Justice Warrior's catchphrase if not "Help, I'm being oppressed!" Read More »

The New Direction!

When I first started this blog, I wasn't exactly sure why I was doing it. Regardless of which, I first opened this blog some time in 2016 on Tumblr. At the time, Barack Obama was in his final year as president, and America's culture was beginning to shift in the direction it would eventually head towards the following year; what is basically an act of revenge.
It is now 2018, albeit very early on in it. And now we're being told it's not okay to be white, and that all men are rapists. The frustrating thing is, well, we've been headed in this direction for some time now, you only need notice the cracks. But as seen by some of the stuff I've shared, we've been emasculating men for some time now, all for the sake of humor at their expense.
At the same time, though, we haven't been treating women well, either. Regardless of how men are treated, the Male Gaze is still in effect, as seen in works like Read More »

Arc Essays: I Identify as "Tomboy"

So, I've been hearing a lot of stories about elementary and middle-school students being told that because they like (insert other gender activity than their birth gender), then they were transgender and needed reassignment surgery.
R-really? That's what you're going for, you're gonna double down on that?
I like My Little Pony, and not just the one the boys like. I like Powerpuff Girls, and I'm a big fan of many Pink Rangers. Does that mean... I'm a girl? Cuz I'm not.
My mother likes crime dramas, and has a favorite Battletech Mech, the most destructive out of all of them. She loves superhero movies for the action and not the hot guys. Does that mean... she's my father? Cuz she's not.
Look, I've got an abnormal brain, I (claim to) know a bit about psychology. And that's led me to the theory that, since there is a male brain and a female brain, and the brains are wired differently, if someone like me can end up with unusual brain chemistry it's not a stretch that a female brain can end up trapped in a male body and vice versa. Because that IS how the actual transgender people feel: trapped and like their body is not their own. When Jack Black's character in Jumanji is surprised that he's a middle-aged man, it's not just because she's a teenage girl; it's because her brain and her body are now completely criss-crossed, to the point where she doesn't even KNOW how she's supposed to go to the bathroom. Read More »

New Direction?

So, I've been trying to think about how I want to work with this blog. I'm worried it might be something of dead weight.
Fortunately, I think I've found my niche. The downside to this will be losing a lot of the original objective, but if that's what I need to keep this afloat, so be it.
I'm going to start taking sociology a bit more seriously starting now, hopefully in a push for equity for everyone. Not everything I say will be accepted immediately, but they are very much things I need to say.
So here's hoping we can see some big changes!


Another productive week come to a close, and just in time for it to be a month! As such, here are some final thoughts for you guys.
I'm trying to decide if I want to continue doing that thing I do. Every day I go on my Facebook or Twitter, I tend to see a story about how someone said Them, Too about a guy... keep in mind all we have is their word. I'm sure the possibility that women, as humans, also lie never crossed their minds when the justice system goes Guilty Until Proven Innocent.
Because of that, I'm worried something like that, despite noblest intentions of mine, is gonna happen to me, too. Granted, I'm pretty low profile, but hey, living in the state I live on a college campus, I'm in double jeopardy. I might just stop commissioning things if I find myself in a position where I could get Read More »

And since I missed Sunday, too, here's the pic for that.

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And since I missed Sunday, too, here's the pic for that.
In my Supply Raids, as I call them, I often see pictures of girls with condoms in low amounts of clothing. So here's the exact opposite of that, with a guy holding his own "protection". After all, "the exact opposite" is what I'm all about!

This came as a surprise to me, since it was directed to me by a friend. Time for some Mature Musings!

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This came as a surprise to me, since it was directed to me by a friend. Time for some Mature Musings!
This one comes from The Amazing World of Gumball, specifically the episode "The Rerun". The context is that the Watterson parents got turned into babies by the effects of the weirdness of the day. When time was reset, there's a brief frame of the parents in their underwear... only with Nicole missing something up top.
It amazes me that this got in on current era Cartoon Network. This is usually the kind of gag you'd see in adult cartoons, and yet it's done in a show for children. This is very good; it shows that things are getting into a position where this kind of gag can happen with females, too, which is all too fine by me.

A very silly picture, this one. It's a nice, clean joke about Leni being less...

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A very silly picture, this one. It's a nice, clean joke about Leni being less than bright. In particular, getting to see her reaction is good here because it can lead to a comedic scene with the soap getting in all the wrong places. This is one bathroom gag I have no problems with.
UPDATE: Darkton93 provided a colorized version of this pic! Thanks, Darkton!

Ask ArcRoyale #8

Another day, another time someone decided to Ask ArcRoyale!
Today's question goes something like: Dear ArcRoyale: Is there any kind of material you won't publish on this blog? You know, that fits with the theme.
Of course there is! I'll explain thusly:
First off, I will not feature media from countries that, for the most part, have the problem fixed. That means I most likely will not feature anything from, say, French media, unless it was exported to the US in a high-profile way. The reason for this is, well, those countries are already "liberated" so there's no reason to feature them on a blog that talks about how liberation is a main objective. Funny thing, the artists behind Wakfu deliberately drew the missing details in a scene intended to be censored, and that, as a French cartoon, proves my point. Read More »

How Do We Do It? #7

For the first time in a long time, it's time to ask that boiling question of How Do We Do It?
Today we're looking at Teen Titans, both the original and the new Teen Titans GO! to see how they can both use comedic female nudity to their advantage. We're only looking at the girls this time since the boys rarely have it happen to them.
Raven Raven's a snarky girl, a moody teenager in both of her appearances. In GO! she serves as the straight man with a silly streak. Anything involving her would involve her being very angry over being caught in an inconvenient moment.
Starfire Star is just the opposite. She's the kind of girl who doesn't care at all, and this has been proven in the comics. The gag here is obvious; her not caring leads to flustering by the cast. GO! could even take this to its logical conclusion by having Starfire fight without an outfit and be censored by everything in the way, making the objects more humorous along the way, like a pair of watermelons and a cat... on different places than you'd expect. Read More »