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It's time to remind people once again that I'm not just a raving lunatic by giving the audience a reminder that Yes, It Can Be Done!
The second season of The Powerpuff Girls introduced some key concepts like Princess Morbucks, and fleshed out the characters a little more. It also was the season with one of the best episodes in the series, "Speed Demon." The Girls did get a little meaner, though, but that was rectified in later seasons.
A particular oddity are the two episodes that take place in the middle of Season 2, clustered together. Both are intended as PSA's for kids, done in the usual style of the show. "Beat Your Greens" taught kids to eat their vegetables... and did so by showing the Girls, and other kids in town, eating up an army of broccoli aliens, in a way that was charming, yet scary. The second, "Down N' Dirty", was all about taking baths, with the boyish Buttercup not wanting to take one herself. The stench becomes so much, not even the monsters she enjoys fighting want to do anything with her, so she is forced to take a bath to get them to do so again.
Those sequences with the Girls in the bath are some of the best sequences in animation, since they show quite a bit. After all, if you wanna show kids taking baths, they gotta get naked! Thankfully, these sequences are totally for cute reasons, and the shots we see have no emphasis of any kind to them.
And, to remind the audience, this is something we all grew up on. We saw this episode as kids, and the only thing we took away from it is to actually take a bath to get clean. This was in the running for years, and no one batted an eye, nor saw a problem with it. That's because it was fantastic, and quality is quality to anyone.
Yes, we can have things like this in animation. After all, we already have.