Well, looks like someone broke the rule about no hatewatching! So I'm gonna have to record straight on Velma. It's time for some Mature Musings.

If there was ever a children's show, it was Scooby-Doo. Even the ghosts were not really ghosts, but guys in a mask, speaking to its family-friendly nature. It's why whenever Scooby-Doo makes horror content, it's that the danger is real, whether it be the real monsters of Zombie Island, or the bloody terror of Scoobynatural. Naturally, Mindy Kaling's Velma show is the exact opposite, with a shower scene of teenage girls in the beginning, self-unawarely talking about how gratuitous it is.

We're not talking about Velma.

Instead, we're talking about something much more wholesome. In Big Top Scooby-Doo, the actual Velma is trying out for a cannonball shoot. When the cannon fires... her outfit goes flying, not her, and we see her for a bit.

This is good because it's not played for sex at all. It's a pure comedy situation, with nothing played for the attractiveness of Velma. Even the view is appropriate for a young children's series, male or female.

As I said before, and will continue to say further, female nudity is not "inherently sexual." It can be used for comedy just as much as a male with a small package. The only way to make it sexual is to deliberately do so. Even Scooby-Doo understands this, and that's one of many reasons why Velma is not Scooby-Doo.