Here's a fun one, one that serves as yet another reminder that Yes, It Can Be Done!

How many of you remember Pepper Ann? It was an old 90's cartoon by Sue Rose that had character designs assisted by Tom Warburton. The show tackled some bold topics, including, in one instance, the idea of Pepper needing a bra due to her reaching that important crossroad of girlhood. (A later Tom Warburton production, KND, would share this lack of stigma of the female undergarments.)

This one is a particularly interesting find: Pepper Ann in a homage to The Birth of Venus. Nothing objectionable showing for a children's show, even if it is of a girl. Nothing problematic, nothing harmful. Artful in all regards. I only wish I could find the context.

As I keep saying, there is nothing "inherently sexual" about the female body. It's really only a big deal if you make it such, so all we need do is not make it such a big deal. I'm sure the rule of "I know it when I see it" applies here, too.